face it pussy: someday you're going to have to eat something other than meat. or else you'll die. there's no escaping inevitibility.
I want some fucking happiness. i'll break off a piece and share it, I don't care. just a fraction.
were it not for my glasses, I would not have made it past the age of twelve, tops. 5 or 7 would be a better approximation.
we are not suited for such a harsh climate. this much is fact. we have clothes. most animals don't have clothes, they rely on what nature gave them. we don't for some reason. and with it: superiority complexes, delusion, and denial run rampant. i cut that list off at three because it's a magic number and i mean not to bore.
and so our group climbing mount everest falls into an icy chasm where nothing seems quite right. we can float if we want to. our gear is useless, so we set it aside. we pat each other on the back as if to say good luck: nothing makes sense here.
and i don't care about personal histories of great stories anymore
because all that is bullshit past is bullshit past.
deary, deary: let's be done with charades and say hello to angels, the ones
that don't exist, nervous speaking concious angels with nothing to do but save
previous experience that mounts and amounts
in computable fractions of decimals, there is no answer to living
you can get drunk all you want to
listen to friends tell you about the future
and sit through it smiling.
when you're not smiling, they'll think something is wrong with you and strangers will say it looks like you're climbing mount everest. everyday i am moving toward something i want, moving away from what i know: complete self-destruction. same hand, different cards.